Spikie: Your eCommerce AI Data Analyst

Spikie is your on-demand data analyst that delivers instant, accurate answers to your business questions from tracking sales patterns to analyzing customer preferences.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Spikie and how can it help my Shopify store?

    Spikie is an advanced data analytics tool specifically designed for Shopify store owners. It acts as your on-demand data analyst, providing real-time answers and insights into various aspects of your store such as sales patterns, customer behaviors, and product performance. By enabling better-informed decision-making, Spikie helps you optimize your store's performance and increase profitability.

  • Integrating Spikie with your Shopify store is straightforward. You will be provided with a link that will automatically install Spikie on your Shopify store. Once installed, Spikie will automatically sync with your store’s data, allowing you to start asking questions and receiving insights right away without any manual setup.

  • You can ask Spikie any question that relates to your store's orders, customers, and products. These can range from specific queries like, "What were my top-selling products last month?" or "How many of the customers who came this week had already made a purchase in the past?" to more complex analytical questions such as, "Which two products are most frequently bought together?" or "generate a report of all the orders that use a discount code containing the word 'BLACKFRIDAY'."

  • Absolutely. Spikie is designed with a user-friendly interface that allows anyone, regardless of their technical background, to interact with their store’s data effortlessly. Users can ask questions in natural language, and Spikie interprets these queries to provide clear, actionable answers, making data analytics accessible to everyone.

  • Absolutely. You could ask spikie for any kind of report related to your store's data. These reports could be anything related to your orders, customers, and products. For example, you could ask Spikie to generate a report of all the orders that happened on weekends for the past six months. For whatever report you request, if it contains a large amount of data, it would provide you with a link that you could click to download a CSV file of the report.

  • Unfortunately, at the moment, Spikie only integrates with Shopify, and therefore only has access to the data that is on it. However, we are working on integrating marketing and CRM data in the future.


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